1/2 Day Summer Academy Practice Aurora

from $210.00

For players who have other non-tennis obligations and cannot commit to full day practices

Number of Weeks Attending:
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For players who have other non-tennis obligations and cannot commit to full day practices

For players who have other non-tennis obligations and cannot commit to full day practices

Location and Practice Times


Utah Park (1800 S Peoria St, 80012)

Practice Times:

Performance 1 (UTR 4.50-6.99) : Monday-Thursdays 7:30-930 am or 12:00-2:00 pm

Elite (UTR 7+): Mondays-Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am or 2:00-4:00 pm


Week 1 (June 3-6)

Week 2 (June 10-13)

Week 3 (June 17-20)

Week 4 (June 24-27)

Week 5 (July 1-3) *No class July 4th

Week 6 (July 8-11)

Week 7 (July 15-18)

Week 8 (July 22-25)

Week 9 (July 29-August 1)

Week 10 (August 5-8)

Rain Make-Ups: (If less than half of the class is completed)

Fridays 7:30-9:30 am, 12:00-2:00 pm

Make-Ups for missing a class:

If you miss a class during the week, we offer 1 make-up on a week you are not signed up for. To be eligible for a make-up you need to email admin@advantageyou.org at least 24 hours in advance of missed class.